CLES Clubs
Battle of the Books
Battle of the Books (BOB) is open only to next year’s 4th and 5th graders and requires that students read select books for comprehension in order to answer questions about those books. Each student participating in Battle of the Books will read from the official list of titles and become very familiar with the characters and stories. The list of books is available in the media center. Students who are interested in joining BOB next year can begin reading now. This makes a great summer reading list!
Students will be asked to memorize titles and authors, write BOB formatted questions covering the books they read, and be able to discuss the books they have read with others in the club. From the students initially involved in Battle of the Books, a team of 6-12 students will be chosen for competition. These students will become “experts” on select BOB titles. The Battle of the Books team members will receive BOB team shirts, participation medals, certificates, and other incentives.
College Lakes Elementary School will continue with Battle of the Books for the 2021-2022 school year.
Jr. Beta Club
“Let us Lead by Serving Others”
We are excited to have Mrs. Jennifer Rhodes leading our Junior Beta Club. Membership in this club is based on the academic merit of holding an A average or A/B average during the 1st quarter of the current school year. This is a leadership group in which students complete service projects to aid their community in some way. This is an important club for your student to join because of the national recognition of academic achievement the membership gives the student. Meeting dates are posted on our school calendar. This can be accessed on our home page. For additional information concerning the Junior Beta Club please contact Mrs. Jennifer Rhodes at (910) 495-4309 or by email at
Feel free to choose the link below for additional information.